Petruth Paddocks is a place where anyone can rock up and feel immediately at home. From the couple in their expensive new motor home to a bunch of young lads in a £29.99 tent from Aldi, from Mum, Dad and a couple of kids to a big group of family and friends – and everyone in between.
A live-and-let-live place where there are refreshingly few rules, kids can be kids, campfires are encouraged, music and bad singing are not a problem and people feel free to wander round making new friends.
That’s what we mean by free range camping – and we love it.
Next to the Family field you’ll find the Chillout field – the clues in the name! The later you hit the sack the further down the field we pitch you. Get pitched, crack open some beers, light your fire, invite your neighbours over and chill!
There’s usually plenty of room to kick a ball about and you’ll be amongst folk doing the same sort of stuff – so long as your music’s off at 11 and you’re not upsetting other campers we won’t be round to put you to bed! We call it respect and common sense – its how most of us get on – if that’s not how you turn out after a few beers, we’d rather you stay home – fair nuff?
There’s nothing like cooking over an open fire as the stars start to come out – the dancing flames, the smoke in your eyes, the mouth-watering aromas and the glow on the ring of hungry faces. You can go into Cheddar for grub, or get a pizza delivered to the site, but rustling up your own supper as the sun goes down is a lot more satisfying.

There are so many rules and regulations these days that kids have a really hard time just being kids.
Petruth Paddocks is a PC-free zone – they can run and shout, climb trees and hide in the hedges, fish for tadpoles in the rhynes (what we call ditches in Somerset), kick a football about, clamber over the k*******d old Landrover in the chill out field, take a ride on the back of the quad bike with Jules, get covered in dirt, make some new mates, and even scrape their knees.
Fun is good and play is great, provided – all we ask is that you use a bit of common sense. For more information, head to: petruthpaddocks.co.uk